Cleveland Art, May/June 2017
- Member Magazine
In this issue of the members magazine: Alex Katz; Reeds and Geese; Contemporary Galleries; ArtLens Gallery; Social Media; An Enamel Plaque; Solstice; Parade the Circle.
Brand-New & Terrific
One of the most acclaimed artists working today, Alex Katz surprised the American art world during the 1950s with his innovative portraits, interiors, landscapes, and still lifes. Almost 60 years later, his creations from this productive decade still look strikingly fresh and vital. Brand-New & Terr...

Blueberry Field, 1955. Oil on Masonite; 81.3 x 121.9 cm. Collection of the artist. All images by Alex Katz (American, b. 1927), © Alex Katz / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
Reeds and Geese
Presented through the lens of connoisseurship and collecting history, the special exhibition Reeds and Geese, opening this spring, showcases the diverse body of Japanese ink paintings among the collection bequeathed by George Gund III. Visitors can explore three galleries, each emphasizing a differe...
A New Look
The contemporary galleries reopened in late February after undergoing a complete reinstallation. Visitors will discover new and insightful groupings of artworks from the permanent collection, including many recent acquisitions and longtime favorites such as Anselm Kiefer’s Lot’s Wife, along with sev...

New Dialogue. Joining collection favorites by Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg are sculptural works by Haim Steinbach and Rachel Harrison and a video projection by Oliver Laric.
ArtLens Gallery
The Cleveland Museum of Art’s Gallery One, an ambitious project that shone the international spotlight on the CMA, has been used as a case study in multiple publications and as a prototype for museums worldwide. Over the past four years we’ve gathered information by interviewing visitors, tracking u...

Renderings Computer-generated views of the new ArtLens Gallery (James Engelmann)
What’s Trending
About 1.2 billion people use Facebook every day, while 600 million use Instagram and 313 million use Twitter; you know it’s true because you see them doing it.1 From people commuting to work on the train hunched over their smartphones to couples ignoring each other in favor of notification bleeps on...

A Gem of an Enamel
This rare quatrilobed (four-lobed) plaque exemplifies the enameling technique known as émail de plique. Here the enameling consists of opaque hearts, clovers, rosettes, and leaves in white, red, blue, and yellow connected by golden vines and arranged against a field of magnificent translucent emeral...