The Most Unforgettable Tiger We’ve Known

Tags for: The Most Unforgettable Tiger We’ve Known
  • Gallery Rotation
Tuesday, March 19–Sunday, July 14, 2024
Location:  224B Video
A video still with colorful stylized animal and background imagery

The Most Unforgettable Tiger We’ve Known (still), 1965. Students in the Cleveland Museum of Art Experimental Film Program. Video, color, sound; 11:36 min. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Courtesy of the Museum Archives

About The Exhibition

The Most Unforgettable Tiger We’ve Known features footage filmed at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, alongside a mix of still photography and drawings that call attention to the constructed nature of art. This film is the product of the rich history of the Cleveland Museum of Art’s educational programs for teenagers and young adults. The visuals and sound elements were produced by 12-to-18-year-old students, as part of a series of experimental film animation classes organized by the museum in the 1960s and ’70s, and were preserved in 2002 with a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation.