Seduction of a Cyborg (still), 1994. Lynn Hershman Leeson (American, born 1941). Color video, sound; 6 min. Courtesy of the artist and Bridget Donahue Gallery. © Lynn Hershman Leeson.
A pioneering artist practicing since the 1960s, Lynn Hershman Leeson explores the intersection of humans and technology through photography, video, and sculpture. A Commercial for Myself is a hybrid self-portrait/advertisement created specifically for public television, while Seduction of a Cyborg presents a future in which women are seduced into “cyborg-hood” through manipulated computer chips.
Born and raised in Cleveland, Leeson attended
Case Western Reserve University. This marks her return to the CMA since her participation in the 1968 May Show.
Featured Works:
A Commercial for Myself (still), 1978. Lynn Hershman Leeson (American, born 1941). Color video, sound; 1:34 min. Courtesy of the artist and Bridget Donahue Gallery. © Lynn Hershman Leeson.
Seduction of a Cyborg (still), 1994. Lynn Hershman Leeson (American, born 1941). Color video, sound; 6 min. Courtesy of the artist and Bridget Donahue Gallery. © Lynn Hershman Leeson.