Visualizing a Blues Aesthetic: De-Racializing African American Art

The Robert P. Madison Family Distinguished Lecture in African & African American Art

Tags for: Visualizing a Blues Aesthetic: De-Racializing African American Art
  • Lecture
Friday, April 10, 2015, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Location:  Gartner Auditorium
Suzanne and Paul Westlake Performing Arts Center

About The Event

African American art is typically understood in terms of race, meaning that a work of art is defined as such simply because it is created by a black person. Dr. Michael Harris argues that, like blues, jazz, gospel, and hip-hop, African American art should be discussed as a cultural idiom that can embrace both black and nonblack practitioners. In this talk, Harris discusses the creation of and challenges presented by this new mode of thinking about African American art. Free, no reservations required.