Special One-Night Screening: The Couple in the Cage: Guatinaui Odyssey

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  • Special Event
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 6:00 p.m.

The Couple in the Cage: Guatinaui Odyssey, 1993. Coco Fusco (American, b. 1960) and Paula Heredia (American, b. 1957). Video, color, sound; 31 min. Image copyright of the artists, courtesy of Video Data Bank, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 

About The Event

In 1992 Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña started their Guatinaui World Tour, a series of live performances presenting the artists as “undiscovered Amerindians” from the mythical island Guatinau in the Gulf of Mexico. Fusco’s and Paula Heredia’s The Couple in the Cage: Guatinaui Odyssey documents these events alongside unknowing visitors’ reactions, shedding a critical light on colonialist practices over the past 500 years and on the historic mistreatment of Indigenous bodies. 

This special one-night-only screening of the 31-minute video features an introduction by curator Nadiah Rivera Fellah and a live Q&A session with the audience afterward.