A Woman Plucks Leaves While Awaiting Her Lover: Gunakali Ragini of Malkos, from the “Chawand Ragamala”

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She has lit a six-flame lamp at the foot of the tree in her vigil.


On a terrace outside an open bedchamber, a dark-skinned woman wearing a skirt of peacock feathers plucks leaves from a tree and has filled her basket with flowers. She has made garlands and hung them on the trees, probably in accordance with a vow made in the ardent hope of bringing back her overdue lover. In accordance with the verse, two peacocks stand perched on the roof.
A Woman Plucks Leaves While Awaiting Her Lover: Gunakali Ragini of Malkos, from the “Chawand Ragamala”

A Woman Plucks Leaves While Awaiting Her Lover: Gunakali Ragini of Malkos, from the “Chawand Ragamala”


Northwestern India, Rajasthan, Rajput Kingdom of Mewar, Chawand

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