Artwork Page for Ceremonial Ladle (Wunkirmian or Wakemia)

Details / Information for Ceremonial Ladle (Wunkirmian or Wakemia)

Ceremonial Ladle (Wunkirmian or Wakemia)

possibly late 1800s or early 1900s
Location: not on view
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

This ladle was a status symbol for a notable woman.


An emblem of great prestige, this human-shaped ladle would have been owned by a distinguished married woman recognized for her talents as a farmer and her exceptional generosity and hospitality. One of her responsibilities was to host a grand Feast of Merit when she, along with other highly respected women, prepared food for a large number of local and foreign guests. During the feast the women danced brandishing their rice-filled ladles while singing in strident voices.
Ceremonial Ladle (Wunkirmian or Wakemia)

Ceremonial Ladle (Wunkirmian or Wakemia)

possibly late 1800s or early 1900s

Africa, West Africa, Côte d'Ivoire, Dan-style carver

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