Female torso

Overall: 89 x 44 x 19 cm (35 1/16 x 17 5/16 x 7 1/2 in.)
Weight: 242 lbs. wtih base; 217 lbs. without base
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This life-size sculpture of a female figure was likely installed by a doorway or in an exterior niche of a Buddhist temple. Throughout the history of Indian art, voluptuous female figures have adorned Buddhist sanctuaries. Embodying the Indian ideal of female beauty, the form of the young mother with full breasts of milk personifies abundance, nourishment, and productivity—ideas that were considered auspicious and life affirming. Her copious jewels and valuable textiles also visually relate that the good karmic actions of venerating the Buddha and following his teachings will result in abundant good fortune.
Female torso

Female torso


Northeastern India, Pala dynasty (730-1197)

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