Heron-Shaped Figure Vase (Oil Vessel)

c. 580 BCE

assigned to Robertson's Group

Overall: 13 x 5.8 cm (5 1/8 x 2 5/16 in.)
Location: 102B Greek
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Did You Know?

An aryballos is a vessel that contained scented oils, this one in the shape of a heron.


In the 6th century BC, a particular type of vessel for scented oil was produced in Corinth, Rhodes, and along the western coast of Asia Minor. Primarily animal forms, they are made of unglazed fired clay with painted decoration. This example in the form of a heron was crafted by a Milesian potter. The bird rests with its delicately curving and counter-curving neck nearly touching the ground; the feathers are defined by incision and painted black slip.
Heron-Shaped Figure Vase (Oil Vessel)

Heron-Shaped Figure Vase (Oil Vessel)

c. 580 BCE

Robertson's Group

East Greek, probably Milesian

Visually Similar by AI

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