Storm in the Mountains

(American, 1826–1900)
Framed: 98.7 x 86.4 x 9.2 cm (38 7/8 x 34 x 3 5/8 in.); Unframed: 75.5 x 62.8 cm (29 3/4 x 24 3/4 in.); Former: 94.5 x 81.5 x 9 cm (37 3/16 x 32 1/16 x 3 9/16 in.)
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Did You Know?

Church's spectacular home and studio is preserved as a New York State Historical Site.


Dominating this composition is a lightning-blasted tree embodying nature's awe-inspiring power and endless cycle of life and death. A popular motif because of these associations, the blasted tree was favored by many landscape painters like Church, who prominently featured it here.
Storm in the Mountains

Storm in the Mountains


Frederic Edwin Church

(American, 1826–1900)
America, 19th century

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