Artwork Page for Statuette of a Warrior

Details / Information for Statuette of a Warrior

Statuette of a Warrior

500–450 BCE
This object has related works. See
Overall: 28 cm (11 in.)
Location: not on view
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

The lump of lead beneath its feet probably once secured this figurine to a base.


Striding forward with its left foot, this warrior likely once held a shield in the left hand and a spear or sword in the right. The statuette was acquired together with a miniature bronze sword with which it was said to have been found; a photograph taken around 1890 shows the warrior with the sword attached—probably wrongly—to the left hand. He wears an unusual helmet with two raised elements on top, and a simple v-neck cuirass or tunic with a lower border of dots and flaps. Many similarly posed bronze figurines have been found across central Italy, but scholars disagree as to whether they represent divine or mortal warriors.
Statuette of a Warrior

Statuette of a Warrior

500–450 BCE


See Also

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