Jar with Scroll Design

분청사기 상감 당초무늬 호 (粉靑沙器象嵌唐草文壺)

height: 37.6 cm (14 13/16 in.); Outer diameter: 27 cm (10 5/8 in.)
Location: not on view
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Did You Know?

The tiny ear-like handles located around the jar's shoulder allowing string to pass through were used to keep the lid (now missing) tightly closed.


In premodern Korea, a newborn baby’s umbilical cord and placenta were believed to be a symbol of the life force of the fetus and thus kept in a specially arranged burial site. This jar was made exclusively for burying a placenta, a custom practiced by aristocratic families in Korea in the belief that it would bring happiness to the child.
Jar with Scroll Design

Jar with Scroll Design


Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392–1910)

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