Velvet Fragment, Khusrau Sees Shirin Bathing

Overall: 19.1 x 14.9 cm (7 1/2 x 5 7/8 in.); Mounted: 44.5 x 26.7 cm (17 1/2 x 10 1/2 in.)
Location: not on view
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These velvet fragments depict an episode from the Khamsa (Quintet) of Nizami (1141–1209), in which the lovers Khusrau and Shirin first see each other. A pre-Islamic king of Iran, Khusrau has fallen in love with Shirin after seeing her portrait and is traveling to meet her when he happens across her bathing in a stream. Not yet realizing that she is Shirin, Khusrau is transfixed by the woman’s beauty and covets both her and her magnificent black horse. The horse’s mane is just visible here, and she has placed her crown and tunic atop a branch.
Velvet Fragment, Khusrau Sees Shirin Bathing

Velvet Fragment, Khusrau Sees Shirin Bathing


Iran, Kashan, Safavid period (1501-1722)

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