Plate with Arms of the Pucci Family

(Italian, 1487?–1544?)
Diameter: 3.2 x 19.4 cm (1 1/4 x 7 5/8 in.)
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Did You Know?

A more contemporary head of the family, Emilio Pucci, became famous as a fashion designer in the 1960s and 1970s.


Italian nobles of the 1500s often expressed their wealth, social status, and sophistication by ordering large sets of maiolica that sometimes carried their coats of arms or even likenesses, usually in profile as in portraits of the period. The Pucci family was a powerful noble household in Renaissance Florence who were at times quite close allies of the Medici, a prominent banking family.
Plate with Arms of the Pucci Family

Plate with Arms of the Pucci Family


Francesco Xanto Avelli

(Italian, 1487?–1544?)
Italy, Urbino

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