Sarutahiko from The Cave Door of Spring

春磐戸 其二

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These elegant surimono prints come from a set of five images inspired by the legend of the Shinto Supreme Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. She was once so offended by her brother that she retreated to a cave, leaving the earth in darkness. Several attempts to lure her out with cocks crowing, music-making, and a goddess dancing failed, but a mirror hung from a nearby tree made Amaterasu curious, bringing her to the entrance of the cave. A stone was quickly placed at the entrance to block her way back into the cave, and light was restored to the world. Each print is set against a blue evening sky with embossed clouds enriched with gold, silver, and copper.
Sarutahiko from The Cave Door of Spring

Sarutahiko from The Cave Door of Spring


Totoya Hokkei

(Japanese, 1780–1850)
Japan, Edo period (1615–1868)

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