The Bewitched Groom

(German, 1484/85–1545)
Catalogue raisonné: Karlsruhe 279.77 ; Hollstein 237
Location: not on view
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Envious witches were maligned as deceitful, sexualized women, hags who toppled righteous men in their lustful quests. Baldung's bizarre and unsettling image depicts a noble male figure lying unconscious in an open room, as a glaring mare (a symbol of unrestrained sexuality) and flailing witch peer in. The angular nose and chin and sagging, bare breasts of the malevolent hag echo the face and bony chest of Veneziano's emaciated personification of Death.
The Bewitched Groom

The Bewitched Groom


Hans Baldung

(German, 1484/85–1545)
Germany, 16th century

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