Artwork Page for Black-Figure Trefoil Oinochoe (Wine Jug): Europa on Bull

Details / Information for Black-Figure Trefoil Oinochoe (Wine Jug): Europa on Bull

Black-Figure Trefoil Oinochoe (Wine Jug): Europa on Bull

c. 530 BCE

attributed to Class of Vatican 440

(Greek, Attic)
Overall: 23.6 cm (9 5/16 in.)
Location: 102B Greek
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

The continent of Europe takes its name from Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus.


Calmly seated sidesaddle on a bull, the woman depicted on the front of this small wine jug probably represents Europa, the Phoenician princess abducted by the Greek god Zeus. According to myth, Zeus either sent a bull or transformed himself into one, then carried Europa across the sea to Crete. There, she bore Zeus two or three sons, including the legendary king Minos. The bull ascended to the sky as the constellation Taurus.

Black-Figure Trefoil Oinochoe (Wine Jug): Europa on Bull

c. 530 BCE

Class of Vatican 440

(Greek, Attic)
Greek, Attic

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