Artwork Page for Grave Stele

Details / Information for Grave Stele

Grave Stele

400–350 BCE
Overall: 128.3 cm (50 1/2 in.)
Location: 102C Greek
Public Domain
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Did You Know?

The fragmentary seated woman at right represents the deceased.


Carved in high relief, the original composition of this Attic grave marker can be reconstructed by comparison with more complete examples elsewhere (such as the Stele of Hegeso in Athens [National Archaeological Museum, 3624]). The standing figure at left likely represents a maid or servant, her hair mostly contained within a sakkos (haircloth). Holding a pyxis (small container) in her left hand, she approaches the more fragmentary seated figure at right. This woman, draped and casting her eyes downward, represents the deceased, perhaps Phanostrate, as one scholar has restored the partial name Phan... inscribed in the fragmentary epigram on the preserved portion of the lintel.
Grave Stele

Grave Stele

400–350 BCE


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