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Parade the Circle

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  • Special Event
Saturday, June 14, 2025, 12:00–4:00 p.m.
Location: Parade kicks off at 12:00 p.m. at the north entrance of the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Free; No Ticket Required
Parade the Circle participants in butterfly costumes

About The Event

Parade the Circle, one of Cleveland’s most impactful cultural events, is an annual art parade that fills Wade Oval with lively sounds and colors, featuring innovative costumes, giant puppets, and handmade masks created by artists, families, schools, and community groups. Watching the parade is free for all.

Individuals, families, schools, and neighborhood and community groups are all invited to participate. Create your parade entry on your own or at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s public workshops.

For questions or more information regarding Parade the Circle 2025, email

Magical Allure: A Vibrant Celebration of the Snowy Owl 

Big changes in our lives are imminent, and as we search for answers, we undergo a process of deep exploration, seeking awareness and spiritual guidance. 

In our journey, we encounter the magnificent snowy owl, a creature of innate wisdom and totemic symbolism, deeply rooted in various cultures and beliefs that encourage us to trust our inner instincts. Its white color symbolizes purity and represents light, brilliance, spirituality, and illumination. 

When a snowy owl enters your domain or appears in your dreams, it is believed to signify good luck, good health, and prosperity. 

We invite everyone to celebrate this mystical messenger, a creature that enchants us with its ethereal presence and silent flight.  

Héctor Castellanos Lara, Lead Artist 

Encanto Magico: Una vibrante celebración del búho nival 

Los grandes cambios en nuestras vidas son inminentes y, a medida que buscamos respuestas, nos sometemos a un proceso de exploración profunda, en busca de conciencia y guía espiritual. 

En nuestro viaje, nos encontramos con el magnífico búho nival, una criatura de sabiduría innata y simbolismo totémico, profundamente arraigada en diversas culturas y creencias que nos animan a confiar en nuestros instintos internos. Su color blanco simboliza la pureza y representa la luz, el brillo, la espiritualidad y la iluminación. 

Cuando un búho nival entra en tus dominios o aparece en tus sueños, se cree que significa buena suerte, buena salud y prosperidad. 

Invitamos a todos a celebrar a este mensajero místico, una criatura que nos encanta con su presencia etérea y su vuelo silencioso. 

Héctor Castellanos Lara, artista principal 

Parade Info Sessions

 Join Parade experts at the Community Arts Center to gain understanding of Parade the Circle, one of Cleveland’s most creatively impactful events. In these info sessions you will learn all the ways you can actively participate and contribute to this year’s Parade through a guided presentation. This...


All education programs at the Cleveland Museum of Art are underwritten by the CMA Fund for Education. Principal support is provided by Dieter and Susan M. Kaesgen. Major annual support is provided by Brenda and Marshall Brown, David and Robin Gunning, Eva and Rudolf Linnebach, Gail C. and Elliott L. Schlang, Shurtape Technologies, and the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation. Generous annual support is provided by an anonymous donor, Gini and Randy Barbato, the M. E. and F. J. Callahan Foundation, Dr. William A. Chilcote Jr. and Dr. Barbara S. Kaplan, Char and Chuck Fowler, the Giant Eagle Foundation, Robin Heiser, the late Marta and the late Donald M. Jack Jr., Bill and Joyce Litzler, the Logsdon Family Fund for Education, Sarah Nash, William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill, the Pickering Foundation, William Roj and Mary Lynn Durham, Betty T. and David M. Schneider, the Sally and Larry Sears Fund for Education Endowment, Roy Smith, Paula and Eugene Stevens, the Trilling Family Foundation, and the Womens Council of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

    The Cleveland Museum of Art is funded in part by residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.

    Education programs are supported in part by the Ohio Arts Council, which receives support from the State of Ohio and the National Endowment for the Arts.