Aegean Sea, Pelion I

(Japanese, 1948-)
Image: 42.2 x 54.3 cm (16 5/8 x 21 3/8 in.); Paper: 48.7 x 60.2 cm (19 3/16 x 23 11/16 in.); Matted: 63.5 x 81.3 cm (25 x 32 in.)
Impression: 17
Location: not on view
This artwork is known to be under copyright.

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In his striking, minimal seascapes, Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto conveys the sensation of timelessness and infinite space. For this series, begun in 1980, he traveled the world to photograph vast bodies of water from high cliffs using a large format camera. By eliminating all indications of land and humanity, Sugimoto revealed the subtle differences in atmosphere, light, wind and wave patterns at each site. In these three prints, the junction of sea and sky is depicted in the morning, on a foggy day not long before noon, and one hour after dusk. With trancelike intensity, these evocative seascapes provide cogent metaphors for transience, emptiness, and dislocation.
Aegean Sea, Pelion I

Aegean Sea, Pelion I


Hiroshi Sugimoto

(Japanese, 1948-)

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